Vegetable plants that the kids grew from seeds sitting all around the classroom window to soak up the sun.   The two big kids are mixing dirt and water with the potting mixture so they can fill planter trays.Adding water to the bucket of potting soil so it can be mixed to fill seep containers. One of the young kids mixing his little bucket of potting soil with a little water so he can fill the seed trays. Kids are mixing, adding water and prepping the plant trays for the seeds.A student poking holes in the tray of planting soil to get ready for a seed to plant.One of the kids poking a hole in the middle of the planting soil to get ready to drop in a seed.

The kids are holding up the Easter bags they decorated before Friends of the Elderly come to pick them up. All 5 kids were holding differently decorated bags in each hand.
Easter bags the kids decorated for the Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly.

Easter bags decorated with little duck chicks walking in the grass next to a colorful egg and a flower. Other bags have a brown or white bunny head next to a flower and an Easter egg.Brown bags showing Easter decorations. Some of the bags have a big brightly water colored egg in the middle sitting on grass. The others have a white duck with yellow beak sitting in a little pond with flowers growing on the edge behind the duck.Easter bags displayed on table that were decorated by kids. Brown paper bags have grass painted on the bottoms with a watercolor splatter paint design and next to them is a colored flower.Ms. Kathy telling the kids about nutrition and hygiene in the front of the room while holding a poster of examples.Black light machine to show us where our germs are hiding on our hands.Black light machine to show the kids where germs hide on the hands.Student creating a hand out of paper to show where you would find germs.Student making a paper hand with examples of where germs might be hiding. Kids are standing by their desks and doing jumping jacks.Kids are standing by their desks and raising their arms up in the air to do exercises.Art projects displayed on board. Bears wearing sweaters with facial hair using short line shading techniques done by sharpies. The top two are underground scenes that show items you would bury for someone to find in the future. The top of each dirt picture has grass growing on top.Art projects using shapes drawn with ruler lines that go to a single focal point.3 different art examples on the display board. The one on top shows items that you would dig up and find in the future if the kids buried them today. The one below is a drawing of a bear wearing a sweater and a bow on top of her head. The hair is done using black marker with short stroke line shading.Board in entrance for month of February. Has mailbox with love letters falling out of it. Smiley faces with heart eyes and letters with hearts on them scattered around the board.Bulletin Board decoration . Love can thaw a frozen heart. It has pink and purple hearts scattered around with positive messages written on them. There are also two art project pictures with penguins dancing that were made from cut up pieces of paper.Kids made Christmas bags for friends of the elderly. The bags have a big ornament ball of different colors, some have snowman and some have gingerbread figures, while others have Christmas trees. "have your Elf a Merry Little Christmas." Christmas bulletin board nice list with all the kids and staff in pictures of themselves in elf costume cutouts. Elf sign says they stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup.Bulletin board decorated with the minions saying different quotes that they were thankful for. Each minion represents each of the kids and the adults. The heading with them all says, "A minion ways to be thankful."Thanksgiving bags for Friends of the Elderly that the kids decorated. The bag had a painted black or brown tree with multitude of fall colors blotted on the tips for the leaves.Our school kids holding up bags decorated for Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly. Trees with different colored fall leaves painted, Turkeys that are disguised as other characters like minions, deck of cards, and an owl.All the kids in their Halloween costumes. Standing at the table in 4 seasons gas station are a slice of pepperoni pizza, an Hershey's bar, two inflatable dinosaurs, a ghost face, and a Michael Meyers costume for our bus driver. The carved pumpkins are being held by their creators on the steps of the school entrance before they take them home for the weekend of Holloween.All the kids sitting on the entrance steps holding their pumpkins ready to take home.The finished pumpkins carved and on the art table ready for them to take home.All the kids are working on cleaning out their pumpkin inners to get ready for carving.Removing the inside of the pumpkins is such a messy job for the kids, but they like the goey process.All the kids sitting at the art table carving, drawing, and digging out the guts on their pumpkins.A funny sign at the front of the corn maze warning you that if you get lost to stay calm They will send in a rescue team every Thursday to retrieve you.Getting the low down on how the corn maze scavenger hunt works.A student is holding a rabbit at Palosaari Corn Maze.Kids are getting a lesson on the workings of a sun flower from the owner of the corn maze.One of the young students learning what the insides of a sun flower look like and what it's used for.Looking through the culvert tunnel hay bale area.The students were taken for a hay wagon ride around the corn maze property.Looking over the top of the corn maze from top of the hay bales.On top of the round bales looking over the Palosaari Corn Maze area.Fun times on the big round and square bales playing tag.Kids playing with the pumpkin bowling lanes at the Palosaari Corn maze.Students were walking around the living quarters of the log cabins just outside the fort gates. Checking out the cannon in front of the Fort Wilkins settlement.The whole group of student gather around the display outside the Copper Harbor Light House.The group of students from the 3 micro schools gather in front of the light house to take a picture.One of the students from Elm River standing outside the main entrance of the light house.The back entrance of the Copper Harbor Light House.The well built brick out house or "privy" was a three person unit for two adults and one child to use.A mini display inside the light house with tools and replicas of things that were used at Copper Harbor.On display at the Copper Harbor Light House walking trail exhibit is one of the boat propellers.One of the capstans that were reclaimed from the Copper Harbor area at the Light House.Copper Harbor port of call sign depicting 4 men turning the capstan to raise the anchor.Fire fighter explaining how the thermal camera works for detecting hot spots in walls or finding people.Showing the kids what it looks like through a thermal imaging camera.Elm River fire fighters giving a demonstration of their protective equipment.Elm River fire fighters trying to recruit some of the bigger kids by letting them try on air respirator masks.All the students in the class sitting around the fire fighters from Elm River.The little ones at the school get a chance to try on some of the fire suits that the crew wears to put out fires.One of the 3rd grade students trying on a fire fighter's jacket and pants.Fire Department in the class room putting on the air respirator on one of the students.Mr. Greg put on the full gear to feel what it's like to wear a fire fighter's suit.Fire Dept. showing how to hold and pull the pin out of a fire extinguisher.Teaching the bigger kids how to roll up a fire hose after all the water is drained out.Big kids learned, too how to put out a fire with an extinguisher for home use.Twin Lakes Fire Dept. teaching the little kids how to point and spray a fire with a home extinguisher.Learning how to point and use a fire extinguisher.Fire Department teaching each of our kids how to use a fire extinguisher.Twin Lakes Fire Department teaching how to spray with a home fire extinguisher.Students gathered under the Quincy Mine sign out front before going to explore the area. All of the students down in the mine getting a lecture of knowledge about how things were done.Students sitting in the tram car waiting to be taken down to the mine entrance on the 7th level.A student pulling on the communication bell handle.Students holding a piece of the cable that was around the hoist drum. Students listening to the tour guide explain the big hoist drum that the cable was wrapped around to pull up the copper and miners.Students looking at a display of where the copper and the workers were hauled up and down the mine shaft.Gathering outside one of the site buildings of a miner's house.Students getting their picture taken in front of a steam train. Kids exploring the area around the mine and looking inside the train.A student looking at our site map to show us where we are.Everyone getting on their safety hard hats for the mine tour.Students looking at all the displays at the Quincy Mine Museum. Quincy mine model of village and mine train.students looking around the model of the mine site and surrounding village. Turning the sharpening stone by a student to see how heavy it is.Student and teacher looking at model of mine site above ground and underground where shafts and stope levels are.

Kids and adults gathering on the Bill Nichols trestle bridge for their info gathering with DNR.
Elm River School kids enjoying a fall color ride to the Bill Nichols trestle bridge info gathering by Michigan Tech. and DNR.

Elm River School kids walking on the trestle bridge to the meeting point where the DNR are giving a lecture. kids walking back to the side by sides from the trestle bridge gathering.Some of our students sitting in the side by sides waiting to go back to the school.DNR and Tech Employee talking to the school kids about why the leaves change colors and fall off. Fall colors from the Bill Nichols trail bridge near twin lakes Michigan.Fall colors from the Bill Nichols trail.Back to school bulletin board "It's O-FISH-ALLY Back To School!" in bold colors and art pictures of fish bowls with fish swimming around in them from each student.

MTU environmental class for Arvon and Elm River school kids at a pond to find what lives in wet lands.
MTU teaches Arvon and Elm River school kids about wetlands.
Kids from Elm River school visit the kids from Arvon school and take a tour of the building.
Elm River school kids visit Arvon school.

Elm River kids visit Arvon school kids and take a tour of class rooms.

Kids from Elm River school visit Arvon school and take a tour.Micro environment field trip to a pond with Elm River and Arvon school kids.Kids from Arvon and Elm River schools join together and learn about pond life on a field trip.Elm River school kids visit Arvon school kids of a field trip to a pond.Arvon and Elm River school kids on a micro environment field trip to a pond.The kids learn how to play their dulcimers with their instructor, Mr. Johanson.The three students showing off their newly built dulcimers.Reggie gluing the sides and top of the dulcimer frame to get ready to attach the top.Reggie, Jacob, and Avery working on putting in the frets on their dulcimer necks.Avery cutting out the top of his dulcimer template with a jigsaw.Reggie using the belt sander to smoothen out some serious rough edges of his dulcimer.Avery and Jacob sitting side by side and sanding their freshly made dulcimers by hand.Jacob staining his dulcimer that he just built. Elm River School kids on a field trip standing at the sign of the Wyandotte water falls.

Wyandotte water falls rapids at the top side in early spring 2023.Wyandotte water falls spring 2023 rapids.Elm River School field trip hiking to the Wyandotte water falls in early spring 2023.Elm River School kids standing by the rivers edge of the Wyandotte water falls in early spring 2023.Elm River school kids posing for a picture at the bottom of the Wyandotte water falls in early spring 2023.Early spring Wyandotte water fall picture from the bottom side with fast flowing rapids. Wyandotte water falls top section of rapids in early spring 2023 with the Elm River School kids field trip.Wyandotte falls river rapids with small log across it. Elm River school kids 2023 spring field trip.Looking at the Wyandotte water falls from the bottom with the Elm River School kids on a field trip spring projects with airplane and smoke trail in shape of a heart on a water color back ground. Then they made spring flowered back ground for their bear they shaded in with different thicknesses of lines.Hot air balloon art made art projects for themselves in hot air balloon ride, and also an airplane they colored for their water color back ground and made a smoke trail with cotton in a heart shaped loop.Art projects that kids made with coloring a circle and and a basket. Made a background with water colors for the sky and then glued on picture of themselves with balloon on top and basket under them, to make hot air balloon ride. Yarn was used to make the strings from basket to balloon.Kids are listening to Easter Egg Hunt rules from the teacher.Kids sitting around the table during Easter Hunt games. Watching kids put Easter bunny parts on face.

The earthquake shook all the structures and knocked down the buildings. The bridge was shaken off its foundation. The cars were crushed by the buildings.The earthquake model is now complete with big red building,, a Post cereal factory , some towers with a bridge and a roadway with cars on it;Jacob is painting green for the grass on the earthquake model.Justin is painting the outlines for the road in white for the earthquake model. Justin is painting some grey color on one of his buildings for the earthquake model.The Tsunami destroyed the high rise building and dislodged the mall from its foundation.Avery and Landon with their finished model of a Tsunami structure. The area has a grey high rise building with a water tower on top and a red shopping mall next to it. There is also a boat dock and a fishing boat in the marina. The area is complete with green spruce trees as well.Avery, Landon, and Oliver trying to create a model for their science project about tsunami.the lava is flowing out of the volcano and down the mountain. The lava was created with baking soda, dawn dish soap, red food color, and vinegar.Olivia and Reggie done painting the grass, road, and some lava running down the volcano.Olivia finished painting the road next to the volcano.Olivia and Reggie painting their volcano model.Landon and Avery working on science project model.Dr. Seuss red and white tall hats on the 3 little kids for reading month.Kids on field trip to MTU snow sculptures.Kids standing in front of a snow sculpture at MTU.Kids hang out with the MTU husky statue in between looking at snow sculptures.Our field trip for the kids to see the MTU snow sculptures.Art class kids working on making hearts to put their valentine poems on.Jacob is working on his science project about earthquakes. He is building a model to show how things get destroyed when the earth shakes.Reggie and Olivia working on their science project. Learning how to assemble a volcano.Music lesson with all the kids. Each student is holding a different percussion instrument and learning how to keep time.A snow character drawn in the snow using our feet. The snow character is about 20 ft tall and about 15 feet wide.The 3 older kids standing with Snowy the snowman in his winter hat, cups for blue eyes, paint can top orange nose, green wire smiley mouth, purple scarf, pine branches for arms, and black buttons of build a snow friend at the school.All the kids rang the silver bell at the Wyandot Golf Club at the beginning of their snowshoe time for the snowshoe kids on their long hike around the Wyandot Golf Course.snowshoeing with the little kids at the golf course.Ms. Christine giving the little kids a run for their money and showing them how to walk on all ringing the red bell at the golf course during the snowshoe outing.All the school kids lined up on the arched bridge with their snowshoe gear on at the Wyandot Golf Course. Christmas 2022 kids holding the snowman and Christmas tree bags they decorated for Little Friends of the Elderly.Christmas 2022 Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly snowman and Christmas tree bags.Justin is painting snowflake dots on the Little Brothers Christmas bags.Oliver, Olivia, and Jacob painting snowmen on the Little Brothers Christmas bags.Justin is painting black top hats on snowmen for the Little Brothers Christmas bags.Oliver, Reggie, and Olivia painting snowman decor on the bags for Little Brothers.Jacob painting snowman on the bags for Little Brothers.Reggie in his Santa Clause costume for the concert.Display case and pin up boards with art projects and information they learned in class.Bulletin board with students blowing fall color leaves.Ms. J. Ms. Christine, Oliver in yellow costume, Justin in ship captain costume, Olivia as a witch, Mr. Greg as not scary, and Avery in his blue blow up costume.Ms. J. Reggie, Jacob, and Avery in his blue costume standing in front of the fireplace at Parkview, with Justin the ship captain, Olivia the witch, and Oliver the Minecraft character in yellow.Halloween 2022 trick or treating at Krupps. Reggie, in his old man mask. Jacob, Mr. Greg in a NOT SCARY black shirt, Avery wearing his blow up blue Minecraft outfit. and sitting in the front are Justin, in his ship captain costume, Olivia is a witch, and Oliver in his yellow costume.

Olivia sitting with the pumpkins.
Olivia sitting with the pumpkins.
Oliver on the train at the Hulkkonen Farm.
Oliver conducting something on the train at the Hulkkonen Farm.
Reggie sitting in the conductors seat on the Hulkkonen Farm train.
Reggie the train conductor.
Justin, Jacob, Avery, Reggie, Oliver, and Olivia sitting in with the pumpkins.
All the kids sitting in with the pumpkins at the Hulkkonen Farm.
Oliver sitting among the pumpkins and resting his tired eyes.
Oliver resting his eyes among the pumpkins.
Oliver working his way through the corn maze on the Hulkkonen Farm.
Oliver taking a different route through the corn maze.

Reggie and his goat golf partner.Jacob trying to figure out which way to hold the putter on one of the putting greens at the Hulkkonen Farm.Oliver, Olivia, and Reggie on the putting green at the Hulkkonen Farm.Olivia, Reggie, and Justin watch Avery trdy and get a ball out of the putting green hole.Oliver is taking his turn putting with Ms. J. giving him pointers, while Avery, Jacob, and Reggie wait by the hole on the putting green.Justin and Jacob petting goats at the Hulkkonen Farm.Avery and the turkey have a stare down.Reggie petting a white turkey at the Hulkkonen FarmOlivia walking on tip of the hay maze at the Hulkkonen Farm.Twin Lakes Fire Dept. crew showing kids what is inside their fire suit equipment bag.Reggie, Justin, Oliver, Olivia, Jacob, and Avery sitting on the bench in class listening to fire fighters.Justin, Olivier. Jacob, and Reggie looking in the rescue sled.Oliver looking inside the rescue sled.Oliver, Olivia, Justin, Avery, and Jacob looking at fire truck tools.Avery, Olivia, Jacob, and Justin looking at fire truck tools.Avery learning about fire truck tools.Jacob, Avery, Oliver, with fire fighters by fire truck.Ms. Christine, Ms. J., Oliver,, Justin, Reggie, Olivia, and Jacob standing outside the entrance of Old Victoria visitor center.Jacob, Reggie, Olivia, Justin, and Ms. J. standing outside the Old Victoria sauna entrance.Reggie, Olivia, Justin, Oliver, and Jacob standing around the sign for the North Country Trail by the sauna.Picture of the Old Victoria mining site map.Ms. J. pointing to the map and pictures of the mining site at Old Victoria.Reggie and Oliver listening to a record on the victrola.Oliver and Justin learning about a victrola record player at Old Victoria.Jacob wearing a copper mine carbide lit helmet and holding his metal lunch container..Ms. J. teaching kids about the workings of a kerosene lamp. t the workings of a Jacob and Reggie in top loft of cabin #7 at Old Victoria.Oliver, Justin, Olivia, Reggie, sitting on bottom bunk and Jacob lying on top bunk of the North Country Trail resting cabin.Justin at the top of Lookout Mountain.Jacob and Justin enjoying the fall colors at Lookout Mountain.Oliver standing on the rock at Lookout Mountain.Olivia checking out the view from L:ookout Mountain .ORV crew at Elm River School to take kids for a fall color ride on the BN trail.ORV meeting on trestle bridge with DNR guides.Fall color trees at the ORV trestle bridge.ORV trestle bridge river view.Ms. Johanson and Ms. Christine posing for a pic on the trestle bridge.Reggie, Jacob, Justin, Oliver, and Olivia posing for a pic on the trestle bridge.ORV ride on trestle bridge kids and Ms. Christine stop to look at the river.Reggie and Justin on trestle bridge.Reggie, Justin and Oliver looking over the side of the trestle bridge.

Elm River Township School Can Drive sign board.
Thanks for all your support!!! Can drive is over with at the end of September.

Oliver, Justin, Olivia, and Reggie sitting on a bench in front of the cruise ship at the Houghton canal.Justin, Oliver, Olivia, and Reggie standing near the cruise ship at the Houghton ship at the Houghton canal.Justin eating ice cream cone.Olivia in the fire truck at the Ontonagon plastic park.Oliver and Justin playing in the fire truck at the plastic park in Ontonagon.Oliver digging a hole at the beach.Reggie, Olivia, Justin, and Oliver at the beach in Ontonagon digging in the sand.Justin and Oliver standing next to the Oliver tractor at Melody acre stables.Reggie sitting on the green and yellow Oliver row crop 77 tractor at Melody acre stables.Reggie and Justin walking on the train bridge in Ontonagon.Olivia, Oliver, Reggie, and Justin standing on the Ontonagon train bridge.Reggie, Ms. J. and Olivia walking on the Ontonagon train walking on the Ontonagon train bridge.Reggie, Justin, Olivia, and Oliver standing under the sign at the Children's Museum.Olivia, Justin, Oliver, and Reggie eating lunch in the break room at the Children's Museum.Olivia working the computer at the Children's Museum.Reggie playing on computer at the Children's Museum.Olivia and Justin feeding chickens at the critter ranch.all the elm river school kids feeding goats at the critter ranch.Oliver feeding a carrot to a horse at the critter ranch.Olivia feeding a carrot to a goat at the critter ranch.Justin feeding the critter ranch horse a carrott.Olivia, Justin, Oliver petting a bunny at the critter ranch.the elm river school kids feeding chickens at the critter ranch.spring thing Herman the worm paintings. Herman with one apple, 2 grapes, 3 grapefruits, 4 cantaloupes 5 watermelons, Herman burped.spring thing yellow straw house with red wooden door.Spring thing stick house exterior with windows.Spring thing 3 little pigs brick house exterior with wooden double doors.Spring thing 3 little pigs brick house interior with table, chairs, and Ms. pig picture.Picking up trash on Winona Rd with Justin bringing up the rear, then Reggie pulling the wheel barrow and Ms. J walking with Oliver, and Ms. Christine up front along with Olivia.Planting seeds in pods for Earth Day with Oliver, Justin, Olivia, and Ms. J.Ms. J. Ms. Christine, Oliver, Justin, Olivia, and Reggie standing around the Winona sign after cleaning up the road of trash for earth day planet plate is sick.Spring into action with earth day craft plates decorating the entry way bulletin board.Oliver, Olivia, Justin, and Reggie standing at the road sign with the stuffed toy gorilla.Reggie Justin, Olivia, and Oliver standing behind the snow kids they made at the school pond.Oliver, Olivia, Justin, and Reggie sitting in the igloo. The kids families stop by for the end of reading month celebration. The kids and their families do activities together. Reading month family activity to find Dr.Seuss books on the bulletin board. Reading month guest reader to the kids. Reading month guest reader keeps the kids on the edge of their seats. Reading month guest has the kids floored with anticipation. Justin getting his reading award. Oliver shows off his reading month award. Okivia receives her reading month award. Olivia working on word search find activity. Reggie learning some local history from Mr. Johanson Reggie digging out the entrance to the igloo.Reggie reading Dr. Seuss book to Mr. Greg ( cat in the hat), Olivia, Justin, and Oliver.Reggie (thing 1) reading to Olivia, Justin, and Oliver.Olivia, Justin, and Oliver sitting quietly during book reading time.Justin, Oliver, Olivia, in front, and Mr. Greg (cat in the hat), Reggie (Thing 1), and Ms. J. wearing cat in the hat and thing crafts. Mr. Greg (cat in the hat and Reggie (thing 1) side by side.Oliver, Justin, Cat in the Hat, Thing 1, and Olivia.Mr.Greg (cat in the hat), and Reggie (thing 1)Justin, Ms. J., Oliver, Reggie, Olivia, and Ms. Christine stand in front of one of the large snow sculptures at MTU 2022.Justin, Ms. J., Oliver,, Reggie, Olivia, and Ms. Christine stand in front of a snow sculpture at MTU 2022.Oliver, Olivia, Justin, and Reggie gather in front of MTU Husky statue during snow sculptures 2022.Justin, Oliver, and Olivia standing in front of the elephant snow sculpture at MTU 2022Justin, Oliver, and Olivia sitting on a snow sculpture at MTU.Ms.-J.-Oliver, Olivia Justin, Reggie, Ms. Christine standing in front of 2022 snow sculptures at MTU.Reggie, Oliver, Justin, and Olivia posing for a picture in the covered bridge at Omer's Golf Course.Olivia, Oliver, and Reggie ring the bell at Omer's Golf Course.Oliver and Reggie ring the bell at Omer's Golf Course during snowshoeing trip.Reggie, Oliver, Justin, and Olivia rest under a tree during snowshoeing at Omer's Golf Course.Justin and Reggie ringing the bell at Omer's Golf Course.Olivia and Oliver snow shoeing at Omer's Golf Course.Santa and Reggie Santa and Elf Mr. Greg Oliver, Olivia, Justin, and Reggie holding up their new White Hawks shirtsgingerbread houses made by all the kidsOliver, Reggie, Justin, Olivia, and Mr. Greg (The Elf) picture for Christmas ConcertJustin, Oliver, and Olivia singing Little Snowflake.Justin, Oliver, Olivia, and Reggie (in background) singing Rudolph!!The kids after the concert passing out goodie bags the the audience.audience at the 2021 Christmas concert.Oliver, Justin, Reggie, and Olivia standing in front of their Frosty and Millie snow people. 2021Justin, Reggie, Oliver, and Olivia showing off their thanksgiving bag art work for Little Brothers project.Justin, Olivia, Reggie, Oliver with spider arMs. J. Justin, Reggie, Oliver, Olivia, and Mr. Greg at Parkview trick or treat 2021Mr. Greg, Justin, Olivia, Reggie, Ms. J, and Oliver trick or treat at bus driver in headless halloween costume.Ms. J., Olivia, Oliver, Reggie, and Mr. Greg costumes at 4 seasons playing with the pumpkin guts after carving.Reggie, Justin, Olivia, and Oliver holding their carved pumpkins.Reggie,Oliver,Olivia,and Justin holding their carved pumpkins on the railing of the school.E.R.F.D. visits E.R.S. kids.Oliver wearing fire suit.Olivia in E.R.F.D. gear.Justin wearing some fire gear.Oliver, Justin, and Olivia trying on fire equipment for size.What's in the fireman's bag?fireman showing how to put on face mask.Reggie working the fire hose nozzle.Justin working the fire hose nozzle.Lots of gadgets on the big red fire truck.Fire dept. showing the kids some of the equipment on the smaller fire truck. Reggie, Olivia, Justin, and Oliver learning where they keep extra oxygen tanks. Reggie makes a plant cell structure out of foam.Reggie's plant cell structure.Justin and Oliver peeking their heads through all the pumpkins. Justin, Oliver, and Olivia in their farmer's clothes. Justin and Ms. Johanson petting a big white turkey at the Hulkkonen pumpkin farm Oliver and Justin in the pumpkin patch. Olivia and Ms. Christine at the Hulkkonen pumpkin farm.Justin and Reggie feeding Turkey at Hulkkonen's farmpumpkins on the bus ride home with their seat belts on. Reggie's pumpkin setting a good example for all the others on the bus ride home and wearing his seat belt. Turkey and Lurkey at Hulkkonen's farmPlayground Equipment completed spring of 2020. Green and brown slides and climbing platforms and ladders surrounded by woodchips and free form black borders.Playground Installation 0f spring 2020. Bobcat work and structure placement of posts and platforms.Reggie, Justin, Vanessa, Jeffrey, and Noah decorate Big Brothers bags for Easter. Happy Easter painted in bright colors with water colored Easter eggs scattered amongst the bag. The other side has woven Easter basket with water colored eggs in the baskets.