Dear Students, Parents, Volunteers, and Community:
This booklet is designed to provide information to everyone regarding the Elm River Township School. If you have any questions that are not answered in this booklet, please refer to the appropriate people listed for assistance.
The Elm River Township School is your school. We believe our school runs smoothly when the parents are involved in their child’s education. We look forward to working with you to make it the best learning environment possible. By working together, we can continue to have a school of which we’ll be very proud.
Elm River School Board and Staff
James Plutchak Trustee
Joyce Pihronen Vice President
Linda LaJeunesse Treasurer
Jason Moilanen Secretary
Moria Pantti President
Bruce Matson Teacher, Grades K-8, bmatson@elmriver.school
Brogan Waltanen Para Professional
Kristina Plutchak Business Manager, ertsd@alphacomm.net
Colleen Saari Assistant Business Manager, ertsd@alphacomm.net
Ron Saari Custodian
Laura Bigger Breakfast Snack and Lunch Cook
SCHOOL ADDRESS: Elm River Township School
3999 E Winona Rd.
Toivola, MI 49965
SCHOOL PHONE: (906) 288-3751
SCHOOL FAX: (906)288-3074
SCHOOL WEB PAGE: www.elmriver.school
The Elm River School prohibits discrimination of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, height, weight, genetic information, and familial status.
This district provides an atmosphere for a genuinely unique learning experience for younger elementary students. Our viewpoint is that through cooperative learning, students maximize each other’s learning. All individuals who enter these open doors of this small rural school will be encouraged with what they see. The components of a multi-graded classroom learning style with small group interaction and one on one instruction result in positive student achievement. We believe this experience works.
As a community related school district, we are striving to challenge each student, school employee and citizen to rise to the fullest of their potential. In recognizing that our students are, indeed, our future, we are providing a stimulating environment which includes, but is not limited to academic, emotional and social growth in order to develop responsible, caring citizens.
The Elm River School prides itself as a K-8 elementary school in a caring community with small town values and character. Our vision is to create a school that is highly regarded for its academic excellence, and for its contribution in actively serving and improving the community in which it operates. We strive to provide students with a safe, supportive learning environment which promotes opportunities for intellectual, social, and personal growth. We see community and family involvement that work to improve academic and physical activities. We believe all students deserve a learning environment in which each student receives individualized curriculum embedded in the core subjects and state standards. Elm River School is committed to teaching and learning methods that assist individuals to become future community leaders.
Elm River School Schedule
- School hours – 8:15am – 3:00pm
- Required = 180 student days
- Required = 1098 school hours
- 6 days forgiven for Snow days if needed
- Breakfast snack @ 8:15, Lunch @ 11:30
Announcements will be made on local radio and television stations of school closings and delayed starts under Houghton/Keweenaw County. There will be no more call line used. Mid-morning snack will not be served on delayed starts.
In the event of early dismissal, every effort is made to notify parents. It is important to keep the emergency places to go information up to date at the school. If you need to change the information, please call the school 288-3751 and request a new emergency contact form.
The front entrance near the paved parking area will be used at all times. Please ring doorbell located to the right of the front door for someone to open the school door for entrance to the building. Other doors will only be used in the event of a fire drill, evacuation, or other emergencies.
Our emphasis is on a safe, enjoyable playground. Keep in mind that there is no adult supervision of the playground outside of school hours.
Students go out for recess daily, so they must be dressed appropriately for the weather. Jackets are required in the spring and fall. Coats, snow pants, hats, mittens, and boots are required on recess. Winter wear provided by the SKY Program is to be left at the school for the students to have dry garments for recess and Gym Class. They will not to be taken home until further notice.
Playground Rules:
- Follow directions of the recess supervisor.
- Play respectfully without interfering with the play of others.
- Play fair and refrain from activities that may hurt others or property.
- No pushing, fighting, general roughhousing or snowball throwing.
- Do not pick up sand, gravel, or rocks.
Emergency Drills – Fire, Lockdown and Tornado
Fire, lockdown and tornado drills will be held at intervals throughout the school year. These drills are important to each student’s welfare and should be taken seriously by the students. Safety procedures for all drills are posted in the main classroom and explained to students at the beginning of each year.
Students who are absent must bring a written excuse to the classroom teacher signed by a parent or guardian upon return to school or the parent/guardian may call the school office. Unexcused absences will receive no credit for work missed.
Examples of excused absences are:
- Personal illness.
- Emergency medical or dental attention.
- Serious illness or death in the immediate family.
- Absences approved of in advance with the Lead Teacher.
- Educational services being rendered at another location.
Examples of unexcused absences:
- Truancy – no permission granted to miss school.
- Suspension.
- Missing the school bus.
- Oversleeping
- Trips not approved in advance.
- Birthdays and other celebrations.
*See Attendance policy at end of Handbook.
Bullying is a physical or verbal mistreatment where the victim is exposed repeatedly to negative actions on the part of one or more other students. Behaviors associated with bullying are offensive name calling, aggressive personal contact, threats, damage, and destruction, theft of property, invading personal space, intentional/continual noise making, and excluding a student out of activities.
*See Consequence Rubic at end of Handbook.
Students must be excused by the Teacher or office staff before leaving school for any reason.
- Respect one another.
- No gossiping, insulting, name calling, swearing, or teasing.
*Consequence – Initial- handled in class, First offense – send to Mr. Matson, 2nd. offense, send to Mr. Matson/Parent letter and separation, 3rd offense –send to Mr. Matson/Parent call/ conference/ separation, 4th offense- send to Mr. Matson/Half day suspension
- No biting, hitting, grabbing, kicking, poking, punching, pushing, slapping, or spitting.
- Do not touch other people’s property.
- No throwing items, rough play, or physical gestures.
*Consequence – Initial – Send to Mr. Matson, 1st offense – send to Mr. Matson/Parent letter/separation
- Respect the school, school property and staff.
- No lying, stealing, or cheating.
- Do not be disruptive in the classroom, show lack of cooperation, refuse to do work, threaten anyone.
- No drugs or weapons or malicious acts on school property.
- No threatening of serious bodily harm.
- Follow directions of the cook.
- No loud voices
- Use appropriate manners.
- No throwing of food.
- Do not take food out of the lunch room, except when approved.
We believe that all students can behave appropriately in all school activities. We will not tolerate any student from preventing us from teaching and/or learning. Students are kept well informed as to the behavior that is expected of them while they are at school and the consequences which will result if they choose to break any of the rules.
The primary responsibility for school dress and grooming rests with the parents of our students. The schools responsibility is not to permit dress and grooming which is disruptive to the educational processes or to the health, safety or property of our students.
As no written policy can address all situations as styles change from year to year, we expect students to apply the general principals stated in the guidelines to their dress.
Appearances which are distracting will not be allowed. Included in this category are:
- Bare midriff styles, tank tops
- Clothing with inappropriate pictures or words such as T-shirts with dual meaning or garments advertising alcohol or tobacco products.
- Boys hats are not to be worn in school.
- Shorts must be mid-length and have an appropriate fit.
- Bandanas are not to be worn during school hours.
- Undergarments should not be seen.
- No low-cut or revealing sweaters or blouses.
Student Responsibilities
- Be at the bus stop on time and stay a safe distance from the roadway.
- Listen to and follow the bus driver’s instructions.
- Do nothing which could endanger the safety of oneself or another on the bus or at any bus stop, including pushing or horseplay.
- Cross in front of the bus at all times.
- Keep the bus clean.
- Do not cause any damage to the bus.
- Use appropriate language and converse in a quite tone (no shouting).
- Inform the bus driver of any problems.
- Riding the bus is a privilege which any student can lose.
Parent Responsibilities
- Ensure that your child arrives at the bus stop on time. The bus driver will wait no longer than 2 minutes for students.
- Accept joint responsibility with school authorities for the proper conduct of your child.
- Make a reasonable effort to understand and cooperate with those responsible for pupil transportation.
- If a student is to be dropped off at a stop other than his/her own, the student must either present a written request bearing the parents signature to the bus driver or the parent or guardian may call the school office. Students will not be dropped off at a different location at their own request.
Notifying the Bus Driver
We ask for your cooperation to make our A.M. bus trip as efficient as possible. If your child will not be riding the bus, please leave a message on the answering machine at the school before 7am. Phone: 288-3751. The bus driver listens to all messages before leaving the school for the bus run.
Bus Discipline Policy
It is imperative that students observe the bus rules at all times for the safety of everyone involved. Students will be issued violations for misbehavior or failure to practice good bus safety. The policy is as follows:
- A student will receive a warning from the bus driver and will report to the bus supervisor. A discipline notice will be placed in the student file.
- In the event of a violent or otherwise severe offense, the Bus Supervisor may give a bus suspension. The suspension will depend upon the severity of the offense.
- Students will be assigned seats at the beginning of the year.
NOTE** A student is denied all bus privileges during a suspension, including field trips, class trips, etc. By truancy law, a bus suspension is not an excuse to miss school. Such absences will be reported immediately to the Houghton County Truancy Officer.
Possession of Electronic Equipment/Cell Phone Use.
The use of I-Pods, radios, CD Players, electronic toys, pagers, laser pens and cell phones is not allowed in the school building without permission of a teacher. Music and electronic devices used on any bus transportation must be used in a quiet and undisruptive way. All devices must be turned off when entering the school building. Cell phone use on any bus transportation will be only for parental/guardian communications and emergency purpose’s. The student should make every effort to notify the adult in charge of the need to use a cell phone. Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary action, and the property may be confiscated.
If a student is caught using an electronic device without permission during the school day, the item will be held in the school office until the end of the school day. The second offense will result in the parent/guardian picking up the device from the school office.
Electronic devices are allowed for the following:
- Use is necessary to facilitate a disabled student.
- A school work assignment requires one.
The school prohibits the use of any video device in any restroom, or other location where students and staff have a ‘reasonable expectation of privacy”. If an improper use such as this occurs the student will face up to and including a three day suspension, loss of privileges and may be recommended for expulsion.
Classroom Phones:
The phones in the classrooms are business phones and are to be used only by the instructional staff. If a student needs to call home, the student should ask permission of the teacher or para professional to use the phone in the school office.
The Elm River Township School District is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage to student owned electronic devices.
Screening Services:
The Elm River School provides hearing and vision screening yearly through the local Health Department. Parents are to notify the school at the beginning of the school year if they do not want their child to receive these evaluations.
Emergency Information
All students are required to have an emergency card on file. A new form is sent home with the start of each school year. If you need to change procedures or phone numbers, please stop by the office or call the school office at 288-3751 and a new form will be sent to you. Please keep the school informed of any changes in address and /or phone numbers during the school year. In the event of inclement weather or mechanical failure, the school may dismiss early. When this happens, it is crucial to have updated emergency contacts available. Please list someone close and who can be reached during the day if parents are unable to be reached.
Please note any allergies or medical conditions your child may have.
The school will not dispense any medication to the student (including Tylenol) without written permission from the parent or guardian. All prescriptive medicines will be kept under lock in the office and dispensed according to the physician’s instructions while a witness is present. A medical form is signed and dated by the person administering prescriptive medication, and a witness. Students MAY NOT have medication in their possession during school hours.
Illness at School
Students are to notify the Teacher and office staff of the illness. This person will contact the home if the situation warrants it. Students may not leave school without permission.
Illness and Sending a Child to School
Many parents ask about when students should stay home or attend school when feeling ill. The following information is intended to help guide you with making that decision.
- If a student has a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student should stay at home until 24 hours after the temperature has returned to normal.
- If a student has diarrhea or has vomited, the student should stay home until symptom free for 24 hours.
- If a student has a rash that may be related to disease, or the cause is unknown, please see a doctor before sending the student to school.
- If you are keeping your child home because they are ill, please call the school to report specific symptoms and /or diagnosis.
Remember, sending your child to school with a contagious virus, passes the virus on to other students and staff. Make sure your child is feeling well before sending him/her back to school.
Doctor and Dental Appointments
Parents are urged to schedule appointments for after school hours whenever possible. A written note must be given to the Office for such absences.
State regulations, enforced by the Michigan Department of Public Health, require special immunizations for all students. All new students are required to furnish the school with proof of having received the necessary inoculations. In order to enroll in school, each child must have had at least one dose of the following vaccines:
- DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)
- OPV/IPV (Oral or injectable Polio)
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
In order to continue attending, the following doses are required:
- 4 doses of DTP
- 3 doses of OPV or IPV
- 2 doses of Measles, Mumps, Rubella
- 3 doses of Hepatitis B
- 1 dose Vericella (chicken pox)
All 6 th grade students who are 11 years of age and older, as well as all children 11 through 18 years of age who are changing school districts will need:
- 2 doses of varicella vaccine or history of chickenpox
- 1 dose of meningococcal (MCSV4) vaccine
- 1 dose of tetanus/diphtheria/acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine (if 5 years have passed since last dose of tetanus/diphtheria vaccine – DtaP, Td or DT)
Lunch Program
Breakfast and lunch is offered free of charge to all students.
Volunteers are offered a complimentary breakfast snack and/or lunch the day they visit.
School Counselor Program
Our district is served once a week (if needed) by a counselor from Copper Country Mental Health. Children may receive these services by parent referral, teacher referral, or a combination.
Assessment testing will be administered to grade levels and subject areas as required The State of Michigan.
The Elm River Township School has STAR and DIBBLES assessment programs to track the progress of students throughout the year. Formal assessments occur in the core curriculum areas of Reading/English and Math. The students will be assessed at least 2 times a year or whenever the Teacher deems necessary. Informal supplemental assessments occur in the all curriculum.
Computers are an integral part of today’s life. Our Computer Lab para professional aides in proper computer use with DSL internet access to all students of Elm River School. Our internet is filtered to prevent access to unacceptable sites on the web. Elm River School meets the requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act. All students receive a copy of the Acceptable Use Policy. Parents and students sign an Internet Permission form before the student is allowed internet access in the computer lab. This is considered a permanent record unless the parent calls the school for a new form.
Title 1
Elm River Township School offers special learning opportunities for children who require additional support in certain areas through Federally Funded Title programming. The purpose of Title 1 is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and meet State academic achievement standards and assessments. The students benefit from the smaller class size and the individualized help.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences are held at least twice yearly or upon request of parent or teacher. Attendance is highly encouraged. Communication between parent and teacher is an important part of student success.
Report Cards
Report Cards are issued four times yearly based on a 9 week marking period.
Field Trips
Field trips are taken occasionally to acquaint children with their community. We feel it is important to make nature observations, and visit places of historical interest and community service. Each student must have a signed permission slip on file to attend such trips.
School Supplies
Distributed by school staff within reasonable limits.
Office Procedures
Students are not to be in the office without permission of a staff member. Students wishing to use the phone must receive permission from a staff member.
Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
The school is required to report to the Family Independence Agency any cases of actual or suspected cases of child abuse according to Act 98 of the Public Acts of 1964 as amended.
Campbell’s Labels for Education Program
Labels and other proofs of purchase from over 1,000 Campbell products are eligible for redemption in Campbell’s Labels for Education Program. We have used these labels for calculators, globes, playground equipment, classroom maps, etc.
Econo Food Receipts
We are saving receipts from Econo Foods throughout the calendar year now. We receive a percentage of the total sales back from Econo Foods to be used towards the purchase of computer supplies. If you would like to donate your receipts, you can drop them off at the school office.
Box Tops Program
Box Tops program has been beneficial to our school. Each box top is worth $.10 . The cash received is used for elementary needs. Anyone can save the coupons and drop them off at the school or send them in with a student.
School Improvement
The Elm River Township School has a School Improvement Plan. The School Improvement team decides what the school should do to improve student performance and the environment around them such as the school building and grounds. They encourage anyone who is interested to participate.
Technology Plan
The Elm River Township School’s Technology Plan has been approved by the State of Michigan. The plan provides opportunities for students to become engaged in the skills needed to use the available technologies the school provides such as computers, printers, calculators, and the proper use of the internet.
Web Page
The Elm River Township School has its own web page. You can visit us at www.elmriver.school and see what the school has on its calendar, read interesting articles, and look at pictures of different projects the students have been doing.
School Board information and contact links are also available on the website.
*Volunteer Program*
We are actively encouraging parents and community members to become a part of our educational system. We need people willing to read with students, listen to students read, tutor, help with art projects, do special presentations on careers or hobbies, etc…. If you are interested in getting involved, call 288-3751. We know your volunteer experience will be rewarding. A special thanks to those dedicated people who help this important program.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) grants parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s educational records. These rights are:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the School Lead Teacher a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes is inaccurate. Parents or eligible students may ask the School to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the School Lead Teacher, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
- The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School such as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member, a person serving on the School Board, or a person or company with whom the School has contracted to perform a special task. A School official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the School discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a Federal Law, requires that Elm River Township School District, with certain exception, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, Elm River Township School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Elm River Township School District to include this type of information from your child’s educational records in certain school publications.
Examples include:
- Showing the student’s role in a play
- The annual handbook
- Honor roll or other recognition lists
- Spring graduation programs
- Sports activities
- Title 1
Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent.
If you do not want Elm River Township School District to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing. Elm River Township School District has designated the following information as directory information:
- Student’s name
- Grade Level
- Age
- Participation in recognized activities
- Honors and awards received
- The most recent educational agency attended
The Elm River Township School District will give the parents an opportunity to opt their child out of participating in the following activities. :
- Activities involving the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the purpose of marketing or for selling that information, or otherwise providing that information to others for that purpose.
- Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening that is: 1) required as a condition of attendance; 2) administered by the school and scheduled by the school in advance; and 3) not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student, or of other students.
- The administration of any survey containing one or more of the eight protected areas of information and that is not funded in whole or in part by Department funds.
Policy Cf.7170
The board of Education of the Elm River Township School District recognizes that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and family. To support the goal of the school district to educate all students effectively, the school and parents must work as knowledgeable partners. When parents are involved in their children’s education, the attitudes, behaviors, and achievement of the students are positively enhanced.
Elm River Township School District believes that student academic achievement requires that parents have an understanding of curriculum, academic achievement standards, assessments, district/school policies and procedures, and of how to monitor their child’s/children’s progress.
In order to enhance parental involvement, six essential elements shall be promoted:
- Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful.
- Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning. Developing cooperative efforts and meaningful involvement contribute to improved schools and successful students.
- Parents are welcome as volunteers. Parents shall be welcome and invited to volunteer at the Elm River K-6 educational levels.
- Parents are partners in decisions that affect their child’s/children’s education. Elm River School shall enlist parents to recruit and support decisions related to all aspects of the education provided for our students.
- Parental environment plays a key role their child’s/children’s educational environment. School employees shall support positive parenting by respecting and affirming the strengths and skills needed by parents to fulfill their role.
- Valuing partnerships with the community. Parents, educators, and community members will work together in order to promote and effectively increase educational opportunities for children.
Title 1 Program
In accordance with the requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act, the Elm River School Board of Education encourages parent(s) guardian(s) to participate in their Title 1 program by being offered substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children by this policy.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Involvement Policy (Cf. 7170
The Board directs that the following actions be implemented to insure compliance with federal law and to invite parents to become involved with the education of their children.
- Assistance to parent(s)/guardian(s) in understanding Title 1.
- Parent(s)/guardian(s) notification of Title 1 student selection and criteria for selection.
- Professional development opportunities for teachers and staff understanding of effective, parent(s)/guardian(s) involvement strategies.
- Information regarding student achievement and progress.
School Wellness
The Elm River Township School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity.
Therefore, it is the policy of the Elm River Township School District to include:
- Community involvement, including input from parents, students, school food service, the school board, educators and the public in the development of the school wellness program.
- Goals for nutrition education designed to promote student wellness including:
- All students shall receive nutrition education that teaches the knowledge and skills needed to adopt healthy eating behaviors.
- Nutrition education shall be integrated into the curriculum.
- Nutrition information and education shall be offered throughout the school based on the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
- Nutritional guidelines for all foods available at school during the school day with the objective of promoting student health and nutrient-rich meals and snacks including food and beverages used for classroom rewards and fundraising efforts.
- A plan for measuring implementation of this policy.
Health Enhancement and Physical Activity Opportunities
The District shall offer health enhancement opportunities that include the components of a quality health enhancement program. Health enhancement instruction shall be aligned with the Michigan Health enhancement Content Standards and Benchmarks. All students shall have the opportunity to participate regularly in supervised, organized or unstructured, physical activities, to maintain physical fitness, and to understand the short-and-long-term benefits of a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
Maintaining Student Wellness
The School Board shall develop and implement procedures consistent with this policy utilizing community involvement before implementation. The School Board shall measure how well this policy is being implemented, managed, and enforced. The Teacher shall report to the Board, as requested on the District’s programs and efforts to meet the purpose and intent of this policy.
Attendance is recorded twice a day: once in the morning and then again in the afternoon.
Students are marked as either present, absent, or tardy. A student will be marked tardy after 8:30 AM and absent if they have not arrived to school by 9:00 AM. For the afternoon, students will be marked absent if they have mot arrived to school by 12:30 PM.
Excessive Absences:
Excessive absences from school are defined as nine or more days absent (excused or unexcused) and/or nine or more tardies.
- At 5 days absent and/or 5 tardies, parents will receive a letter indicating the total days of absence and the total number of tardies recorded.
- At 9 days absent and/or 9 tardies, parents will receive a second letter indicating the total days of absence and the total number of tardies recorded. The school will then confer with the parents to determine the circumstances surrounding the absences and /or tardies. The truancy officer will be also informed at this time and may be consulted to determine further action.
- At 12 days absent and/or 12 tardies, parents/guardians will receive a third letter indicating the total days of absence and the total number of tardies recorded. The school will also contact the truancy officer and set up a meeting with the parents/guardians. Written documentation from a doctor must be provided at this time from the parents/guardians to excuse the excessive absences and/or tardies. If documentation cannot be provided an alternative remedy may be sought through the truancy officer’s legal authority.
State law requires attendance in school. State law also mandates sending parental notification letters on all excessive absences and/or tardiness issues whether excused or unexcused.
Parents/guardians must sign students in/out of the building at the office for all early dismissals.
Parents/guardians may check on their child’s absences by checking the PowerSchool website or calling the school office.
Parent signature and date